05 Apr

Tooth whitening or teeth bleaching is basically the procedure of whitening the external color of your teeth by applying some chemicals. It has now become a cosmetic practice that is very popular among many. Whitening is commonly desired when teeth get yellowed over time due to various reasons and is possible through changing the internal or external color of your tooth. There are many available teeth whitening products in the market today. You may either purchase them from your dentist, over the counter at the local drug store, or can even do it at home with the help of kits and do-it-yourself teeth whitening strips or mouth trays. These whitening products contain bleaches which can effectively lighten the teeth shades. There are also some common but less serious side effects of teeth whitening. Some of these are minor changes in the level of sensitivity of the teeth, or tooth sensitivity after whitening. Although tooth sensitivity is a common side effect, it usually goes away on its own and has no other more serious side effects. Other serious side effects of teeth whitening include tooth loss, gum bleeding, dental caries, swollen gums and mouth sores.

The effectiveness of the teeth whitening product may vary from person to person. This is due to many factors like the degree of staining, types of stains and the amount of whiteners applied. Most toothpastes and whitening kits contain a small amount of bleaching agent that is designed to cover the stained area. This agent helps in preventing the stain from spreading further. You can also opt for teeth whitening toothpastes that have a strong peroxide concentration which ensures better and faster results. There are some foods and drinks that are known to make the teeth brighter. Fruits like lemon, oranges and strawberries are known to brighten the teeth, and have bleaching agents that work faster. These foods are highly acidic and should be avoided to maintain proper teeth whitening results. Coffee, tea and soda also help in making the teeth brighter, but are known to cause teeth staining if taken in excess.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening toothpastes and gels consist of whitening gel or whitening trays. Over-the-counter products are preferred as they can easily be used in the comfort of your home. These products can range from being a simple strip to having a tray combination. The trays are used on the rotten teeth for a specified period of time in order to get the desired result. It can also be combined with bleaching trays in order to achieve faster results. Bleaching is an effective method of teeth whitening. However, if you have sensitive teeth, you should be aware that bleaching agents can sometime cause an irritation to sensitive teeth. Some people experience sensitivity after bleaching. In such cases, it is recommended that bleaching is discontinued. A good dentist always recommends that you get in touch with him or her in case of any problem or doubt regarding any aspect of your teeth whitening treatment.

You can also click on this post that has expounded more on the topic: https://www.encyclopedia.com/medicine/divisions-diagnostics-and-procedures/medicine/dentistry.

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